Blessings On Wheels

October 31st… Take to the streets with B.O.W.

We must not let them go to sleep hungry..  What will you do to give back?

On October 31st we will take to the streets of Atlanta.  Spreading love and distributing food for those who are less fortunate then some.  Our menu will consist but not limited to spaghetti, corn on the cob, rolls, desserts, drinks and water. This may be the only meal that someone receives that day… so we will prepare it with love…  

Many of you have replied wishing to support as well as to help with this month’s vision gathering. If you wish to help out with donations or food, please have all items to me no later than Monday the 29th and we will gather together to prepare food and take to the streets on Wednesday the 31st.  We will meet at Quick Tripp off of Wesley Chapel in Decatur on the 31st at 7:30pm and head downtown from there.  If you are donating food, please have these items in by this date to assure proper preparation. 

Thanking everyone in advance for their act of kindness towards my vision…

Love like Christ, Live like Christ, Lead like Christ… Each month of 2012 I vowed to God that I will be a blessing to someone… That’s my vision, what’s yours??”
