Blessings On Wheels

Sharing Thanksgiving with the Community of Tobie Grant

Greetings All,

November represents giving thanks and what better way to give thanks than to be a blessing to someone. On November 23rd, Blessings on Wheels will partner with Ask My Friend and New Vision Christian Center in celebrating Thanksgiving at Tobie Grant Recreation Center, 644 Parkdale Drive, Scottdale, GA 30079 from 1pm – 3pm. This event is free to the community of Tobie Grant. We will serve a hot meal that most people share each year with close family and friends. So as you prepare and shop for your Thanksgiving dinner with all the trimming, remember the less fortunate who are unable to be amongst family and friends while enjoying a hot meal fit for a King or Queen.

Our menu will consist of but not limited to Turkey (fried/Baked), Ham, Collard Greens, Dressing, Mac & Cheese, String Beans, Rolls, Cranberry Sauce and Dessert. We are still in great need of any donations of these food items!!! If you wish to be part of this great experience, please feel free to contact our Project Manager, Keischa Robinson at (404) 820-6341 or email at

Many of you have replied wishing to make donation as well as to help with this month’s vision gathering. I am asking everyone to have all items to me no later then November the 18th so that we have ample time to prepare the food for distribution on Thursday, November the 23rd.

Thanking everyone in advance for their act of kindness towards my vision as we learn to Love, Live, Lead like Christ…

Each month of 2013 I vowed to God that I will be a blessing to someone… That’s my vision, what’s yours??”

Founder /President