Blessings On Wheels

Grant-A-Wish for Christmas – B.O.W. will go out on Christmas Morning!!!!

GAWFC 2015

It’s that time of year again…

Blessings On Wheels will surprise some pre-selected families by granting their wish for Christmas and you can be a part of this life changing experience.

WE NEED YOUR HELP!!! We are seeking sponsorship for families, donations of a new unwrapped toy for a child ages 2 to 15 or a gift card for a single parent.

If you desire to be apart of this great blessing, please feel free to contact our Project Manager, Keischa Robinson at (404) 820-6341 or email at

Love, Live, Lead like Christ… Each month of 2015 I vowed to God that I would be a blessing to someone… That’s my vision, what’s yours?”

Stephanie Y. Rockmore