Blessings On Wheels

Grant-A-Wish for Christmas 12-14-2014

Do you know a family that is going through hard times and could use a little extra help for the holidays?

Rules & Regulation for Grant-A-Wish for Christmas  B.O.W. Grant-A-Wish Program 

Thank you for your interest in Blessings On Wheels (B.O.W.) Grant-A-Wish for Christmas Program.

Do you know a family that is going through hard times and could use a little extra help for the holidays?  Submit a one page letter (250 words or less) and maybe the family you nominate will be selected to have their Christmas Wish granted by Blessings On Wheels (Please submit complete names of family members, clothes size and shoe sizes when requesting items). All selected winners will be notified by Monday, December 8th.

Please make sure to review B.O.W.’s the requirements and Rules & Regulation for the Nominee that is applying for a donation through this program.  Entry forms must be signed and returned back via email to by Monday, December 1st.