Blessings On Wheels

B.O.W. is in need of Blankets… Blankets… Blankets…

Happy New Year’s To All:

We did it!!! Another amazing year of being in the blessings business and loving every moment of it!!! Blessings on Wheels for the month of December was a true gift from God. We had the opportunity to go out on Christmas morning and bless some families and what an awesome experience it was!!! See flyer for more details.

For the month of January, Blessings On Wheels will collect and distribute new or slightly used clean blankets on Wednesday, January 27th at 7:30 pm. We are also collecting the ingredients for hot soup, (Beef or Ground Turkey Meat) crackers, sodas, water and desserts to prepare a hot meal for those individual that call the streets of Atlanta home. If you desire to be apart of this great blessing, please feel free to contact our Project Manager, Keischa Robinson at (404) 820-6341 or email at

Many of you have replied wishing to support as well as to help with this month’s vision gathering. I am asking everyone to have all items to us no later then Monday, January the 25th or as soon as possible to ensure proper timing for collection and distributing for the Blanket Drive on Wednesday, January 27th.

Thanking you in advance for all your act of kindness, donations and time towards the vision. Words can not express the gratitude I have for each and every one of you.

Making a difference, making a change in someone life… Each month of 2016 I vowed to God that I would be a blessing to someone… That’s my vision, what’s yours?”

Founder /President