B.O.W declaration for the next three months!
Blessing on Wheels is in the 10th month of blessings.. Today marks the 10th month the 10 day in the year of 2010 (10-10-10) and I’m declaring the next three months to be extraordinary and prodigious. Our calendar is as follows:
On October 27th, Blessings on Wheels will visit the United Methodist Children Home and share with them personal things that they are in need of. Items that we have an abundance of and we mostly take for granted… I too have been guilty of taking the smallest things in life for granted.. i.e. soap, deodorant, tooth paste, tooth brushes, hair products, etc… these items are low on the totem pole to some but to others it’s a high commodity item.
On November 20th, Blessings on Wheels will celebrate Thanksgiving in the streets of Atlanta and take to some of the less fortunate a hot meal that we mostly share each year with our close family and friends… so as you prepare and shop for your Thanksgiving dinner with all the trimming. Remember there will be someone not sitting around a nice decorated table with a hot meal fit for a King or Queen.
In the month of December, Blessings on Wheels will celebrate the life of Christ by blessing some needy families at Christmas time. Again, we some times take things for granted… Our kids have four or five brand new toys that they never play with and there are some kids that have never owned a new toy, only hand-me-downs…